Get Motivated!
Jeana talks New Years, Tamra's relationship troubles, Gretchen's intervention with Alexa, and more.
I hope everyone had an amazing New Years Eve! I went to the St. Regis with 1000 of my closet friends - it was a night to remember! And you know what happens now - the biggest membership enrollment is January for all the health clubs! Join me in making 2010 the year to get your body in the best shape ever. Duzoxin and other weight loss helpers, can’t do it all, you need, to eat right and exercise. Send me Facebook starting pictures and weights and in four months we will compare! Let's do it together! There have been many stories about me losing my homes to foreclosure and short sales, not true! The banks have been great in restructuring my loans on Kara's, Shane's, Matt's and my houses. If you know anyone wanting to sell or refi, or buy a house please refer him or her to me! I know you think I am a reality star, but my real job for the past 20 years has been in real estate. It is a passion, finding people the perfect home. There has never been a better time to buy! Come on people get motivated!
This week's episode was a surprise! It is hard to believe that the five girls kept Vicki and Donn’s renewing their bonds a secret! It was very touching and sweet, and I loved her Michael Costello wedding dress. I wish them luck in the next 15 years! Relationships take work, and respect for each other, good luck to you both. It looks like they had a great time and maybe now she will take Donn on a few vacations! It is hard to judge other people’s marriages and all of us need to keep our opinions to ourselves. (Simon and Vicki are you reading this?) I know people were very opinionated on my marriage and it was hurtful hearing the comments made on air six months later. Remember alcohol is a disease, dealing with it in your family is rough I have learned a lot about it in the last 6 years. I have learned that I don’t have to live with it anymore. But I also know that you can never shake the feeling, that maybe you didn’t do enough, and that I will carry with me forever. I would like to thank most of you for your positive comments and insight into getting help with my demons of trying to take care of everyone. I have people living with me who have lost their homes. All of us need to do the work not just do the lip service of showing up at church on Sundays. I appreciate my fans and love the delight on your faces when you see me out and about, I have made so many interesting new friends from being apart of this show. I am not sure how much longer Bravo will want me to blog on a show I am no longer on, so I treat each one as my last! is a way to keep in touch with me, or Facebook.
I really think Tamra needs to think about what she is saying about her husband, some of those personal thoughts should be kept for a marriage counselor and not TV consumers. I know we are sharing are lives, but come on people! Most people wouldn’t say those things to their best friends much less 3.2 million viewers. I guess I should have shared some of the things that happened to my children with Tamra, because mommie dearest was on TV. Tamra has three small children in school and kids can be vicious, Simon is a strong father, my husband was really strict also, he would take the cars away for bad grades and I would give them back two days later because I hated getting up for zero period and god knows our society could use a few more strong fathers. All of they boys' friends were afraid of Matt, he expected a lot of his boys and if the friends didn't measure up he didn’t want them around. My sons are grown now and I can look back at laugh at the issues we had, when I made Colton come home from a sleepover because the Mom was taking the boys toilet papering! Shane's friends all come back from college laughing at how strict I was. They thought I was a pushover for taking them in anytime of night, but the next day calling their moms. It takes a town to raise a child!
I thought it was sweet of Gretchen to step up and try to help Lynne's daughter. I too have been troubled by Alexa's comments when I have been around her, so has my daughter Kara. Kara worked with special needs children in high school and has tried a few times to talk to Alexa. Alcohol is a depressant and if she is depressed already she shouldn’t be drinking. Lynne didn't quite get that G was trying to help, she took it as an insult, which is a strange reaction. Having raised three high achieving student/athletes I am very happy that my children had the advice of the best Coaches, Teachers, neighbors and after the show started random strangers. My children have such special relationships and learned so much from all who helped them become the amazing people they are becoming. One of Kara's favorites Mrs. Nuzman, her advanced English teacher, is still one of her best friends. And her love of reading blossomed with all the wonderful books the teachers recommended to her in school. When my kids father got hurt in 1992 every Dad we knew stepped up and helped, driving the kids to sports, throwing them around in the pool, helping with boy scout projects. It was a life-changing event for their Dad and them. As a parent you should be able to pick the people you want influencing your child, and it is possible Lynne doesn't think Gretchen is a positive role model. I think your kids can learn from people's mistakes as well as their successes. I think both Alexis and Lynne missed the point, all of us are concerned with Alexa's behavior, let's get the girl some help. I was never jealous of the special relationships my daughter had with friends of mine, I am a little ADD and there have been times when she needed outside help from my girlfriends, I was always just thankful that she had all kinds of amazing women to get advice from. There are people that try to do it all, and are martyrs, I fully admit my shortcomings and welcome with open arms all the help people offer! I know Kara and Gretchen have always enjoyed each others company, and fashion sense, and sure G has made some poor choices, but you live and learn that in this age of telecommunications any text or Facebook entry, you better be prepared for the world to see it.
I have been distressed over the Tiger Woods story in the last few weeks, I have used it to reinforce what I have told my kids all along, live your life in a way you would be proud to have Grandma see! I think all Tiger’s sponsor’s canceling, are being over dramatic, I personally thought the Tiger Force drink would benefit from all the news. It can’t be easy to keep eight to ten women happy, so send me some of that drink! He is young, he has made mistakes, and he will survive this and be a stronger, smarter and better person when this is over. He is still an accomplished athlete and scholar - let’s not forget that. I wish his Dad was still alive to give him some advice in what has to be the second darkest chapter of his life. I don’t think we should judge his actions - let's see what he does from this point on. He got a huge wake up call and made some very dumb personal decisions. Being involved with men in sports you realize that everyone wants to sleep with them, the women can be quite shameless. Even as early as 12 the girls started calling my boys, aggressive girls with an agenda. Tiger married too young, obviously he wasn't ready. The right thing to do would have been to get separated and try to figure his life out. In this day and age you can't get away with anything. I am at dinner with a client and people are tweeting about seeing me with a guy at so and so place, before I am even done eating people show up to get pictures taken with me. Freaky! We don’t know what his married life was like so let’s not judge him so harshly and quickly. Innocent until proven guilty.
Pick your friends carefully. It reminds me of Tamra, constantly saying keep your enemies close (referring to going to lunch with G.) It's a disturbing motto. Think suicide bomber, not such a great life lesson. I know we aren’t curing cancer, or solving the green issues, but have we nothing to share with our viewers, that can make them sit back and say, "That was a great episode, I learned something to help me deal with issues I am having with my husband, my child, my foreclosure, my recent death of a close friend, how to lose weight, the most amazing restaurants in OC, the finest shopping." All of us have shared our lives, the alcohol and drug addictions the highs of college, the lows of jail, and the ups and downs of relationships. Thanks for having us in your home Thursday nights. Watch what happens next week and watch my Facebook pages for my toilet paper art of Tamra's house!