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Debbie Downer

NYC Housewife Jill Zarin shares her thoughts on the OC vacay controversy.

By Jill Zarin


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First let me say that as a reality star myself, I find it hard to separate "real" from "TV real" sometimes. I can only blog on what I see on TV, so girls from OC ... don't kill me!

I can totally relate to what is going on in this episode. Let's review how it started. Vicki was in Florida for a business trip and invited the girls to come join her for a few days. Period. This was not a couples trip. Trust me, she would not invite the ladies and their men on a trip anywhere. Ever. For the girls to bring along their spouses without Vicki A. knowing or B. approving is just rude.

We all know how much the men dislike Vicki so why would they want to come on the trip with her anyway? Just to torture her? She should have called Don ASAP to come to her rescue but since he works full time, he probably couldn't do it on such short notice. This trip was during the week and not a weekend.

I like Vicki's hair in the salon by the way. Did you? Tamra needs to be a little more sensitive to Vicki and I see she is trying. I think Simon needs to stop blaming Vicki for Tamra's behavior. Tamra is a strong woman who is exerting her independence. He is a chauvinist and I can predict problems between them down the road because of his behavior. They need therapy. Vicki is not the cause and should not be a scapegoat.

I met Slade and he seems very nice. He does like being the extra housewife and accused Vicki of wanting the attention. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Come on Slade ... you are filming on the show and even doing one-on-one interviews? Don't throw stones in glass houses. (I seem to be saying that a lot these days!)


I really respect Vicki for staying in and not going on the boat cruise. I love the expression "Debbie downer." I know how that feels and relate to this scene. Vicki is being honest and expressing her feelings honestly and not being a phony. I would NEVER go on a sunset cruise in Florida with four couples and me. Even with my best friends. Talk about being a Debbie downer! It was set up by Vicki for her girlfriends to enjoy the sunset and drink and have fun. But the men took control and turned it into a romantic sunset sail. How mean can they be? Side note ... Gretchen is so beautiful. I love her pink dress and hair up!

Lynne could care less. She is very secure in her relationship and has no issues with the group. If Vicki went it would be MEAN GIRLS(MEN) full force. They would take the opportunity to make her feel even worse. Group dynamics are complicated. We talk about in Secrets of a Jewish Mother (coming out April 2010). You would never do certain things alone that you would do if you were in a group.

Side note, our first boat was a Sea Ray so it brought back great memories. How rude was everyone to Lynne?! They accused Vicki of being a party pooper for not going and it was exactly the way she predicted. Everyone was kissing and fooling around making Lynne feel left out. Just ugly.

The coming attractions look juicy! I only comment on what I see on TV. I apologize in advance if I am not seeing what really went on in the scene. Don't hate the player, hate the game!


All the women look amazing this season, though I am seeing too much of some of them (too much skin). Sometimes it looks like a porno movie! If I had small children, I wouldn't let them watch. (Well, I would cover their eyes for a few seconds!) Put some clothes on! Have some respect! Does anyone agree with me on this?

I am in Florida with my family for the holidays and on a yacht in the Bahamas for New Years. I am seriously missing the first snowstorm in NYC and hope there is some left on the ground when I get home. I love the snow!

Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday and New Year! Love,

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