Let Bygones Be Bygones
Tamra talks about her relationship with Simon, Gretchen's accusations, and more!
It is a great feeling to be back in the real estate world again. Teaming up with Marcos (www.marcosprolo.com ) has given me the freedom to make money and still spend lots of time with my kids. The market is definitely changed and you really have to work harder for your money. But there is still money to be made, just this week we got two new listings for January ... high five, Boss! Marcos is a great mentor and wonderful friend to me and my family. Being home with the kids is something that is very important to me and Simon both. Simon might have come off strong as we talked about me going back to work, but he just wants what is best for our kids.
When I was talking to Vicki on the phone about Florida you didn't hear the whole conversation. What you didn't hear was me telling Vicki that having three small kids it is very hard to get away on a girls trip. If I had it my way I would have brought the kids too. Simon and I don't have time to get away alone and I didn't feel that is was appropriate since us Housewives had another girls trip planned to San Francisco the following month. Vicki's kids are grown and she has the freedom to travel with or without Donn when ever she wants. The guys did their thing and we did our thing. I think Donn would have had a great time hanging with the guys.
Donn and Vicki's conversation at dinner about Simon was NOT cool. Simon NEVER said that their relationship was "not normal" What he said is that their relationship is "different" meaning Jim and Simon both have small kids and it is not that easy to travel. I was a little upset with Vicki's comments about Simon.
Meeting with Gretchen was something I felt was needed to move on. So much had been said that I thought we could clear the air and let bygones be bygones. I knew what the truth was and I wasn't expecting her to admit it. NO ONE is perfect but usually it is best to just come clean and move on so people are not constantly doubting you. This season I told myself that I would use my blog for positive messages and not bash my cast mates. As you know I am a very opinionated person and it very hard not to defend myself when I hear Gretchen and Slade call me a liar, backstabber, etc. Every time I turn around she is publicly bashing me. Either on her blog or to the press or to the other Housewives. I know that it is hard to watch what you say to press when asked certain questions and I am guilty of saying too much at times. At this point I refuse to entertain her nonsense.
The blog she has about me was posted on her personal website and other media outlets. The blog is full of lies about me and my family to try and discredit me and make her look good. All it really does is make her look very childish. At the time of our meeting I thought she would have no problem removing it. I thought she did it out of anger? Not removing it speaks volumes of her character. I am NOT surprised at all that she has put a link to it on her blog this week. I could very easily have it removed, but I would rather you read it for your self and see how SHE is the one that keeps this drama going. At this point all I have to say, Gretchen, I challenge you to a lie detector test. I have nothing to hide ... do you? OHH that would make a juicy reunion show!
With the holidays approaching I would like to wish everyone a very safe and happy holidays It is a time of giving, thinking about others and helping out those that are less fortunate. Simon and I get EXTRA involved with our charities during the holiday season and looking forward to our annual Santa Harley ride to help raise money for abused kids. Of course Mary's shelter (www.teenshelter.org) is very close to my heart and I continue to help and support them as well.