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Drink Away the Awkwardness's Assistant Editor distills all the 'Wife wisdom from Episode 9.

Just when you thought Beverly Hills' "Dinner Party from Hell" couldn't be topped, the original California girls stepped up the dinner party drama. What didn't go wrong? Guests were late, there were no shows and unexpected guests, tears were shed, barbs were exchanged, and there was some serious drunken dancing. But hey, at least Susan Feniger's food looked delicious! Are there any lessons we can take away from the ladies this week? Contrary to what you might think, yes. Among all the party fouls there are some valuable takeaways.

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County on Thursdays at 9/8c and next day on Peacock. Catch up on the Bravo App.

Hosting a Party

Peggy and Micah really managed to be amazing hosts throughout a dinner fraught with uncomfortable situations. Here are the Tanous' top three tips for alleviating the stress of hosting and keeping a sinking ship afloat:

No. 3 – Magic! Nothing distracts your guests from the other craziness that may be going on at your party like some card tricks. 

No. 2 – If one of your guests is in distress, just bring them a bottle of Patron. That's what Micah and Peggy considered doing when Alexis was still M.I.A. 

No. 1 – When all else fails… just drink until you're no longer concerned about what's happening!

Dos and Don'ts for Guests

Don't say someone's date looks like a male escort

Don't say another guest looks like Lily Munster or Pee Wee Herman

Don't hole yourself up in a bathroom for thirty minutes (other people have to pee!)

Don't tell the hostess in front of everyone else that she made you feel uncomfortable

Don't get krunk at a wine pairing dinner


Vicki made it clear that only you or a licensed cosmetologist should be applying powder to your face. Having anyone else do it is frivolous and unnecessary. Seriously though, Vicki was very adamant about this. 

The perfect lip color for taking on your rivals at a dinner? Bright red. 

Next week Vicki opens up about her marriage troubles, and it's not looking good.

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