When in Cabo...
Tamra talks about letting loose with Vicki during their girls' getaway.
When In Cabo do as the Cabonian's do... Really? Cabo was the most fun I have had in years! It was the first time I have gotten drunk and wild in a long, long time. I'm not saying I use to be a caged animal, but letting loose in the past was just something I didn't do to often. I never experienced that kind of stuff in my twenties, I was a mom at 18 and had to grow up pretty fast. Doing my first body shot at 42 was fun, I'm not going to lie or apologize for it. So judge away! I really wanted to see Vicki let her guard down and have some fun. It took her a while to loosen up, but she did. The people around the pool where a lot of fun, and that Donn look alike was enough to blow your mind. By the way Vicki, where in the rule book does it say that you can't do a body shot if you're a mom? I bet there is a lot of moms out there that have done a body shot and a lot of moms that would never admit that they have. This year is all about freedom, healing, happiness, and doing the things I have never done before. I want to live, love, travel, laugh my butt off, and be the free spirit that I am deep inside. I know I will make mistakes along the way, and when I do, I will pick myself up and own them.
Vicki was hilarious in Cabo! She really made me work for the friendship thing in a joking way. I truly don't think I threw her under the bus as badly as she said I did. She had fun with her punishment, and I just went with it! It was hard being put in the middle of my husband and my best friend and be asked to take sides. I know I should have dealt with it in a better way, but at the time I felt like I was losing my mind!
The hotel we stayed at, Casa Dorada http://www.casa-dorada.com/index.html, was one of the most beautiful resorts I have ever stayed at in Mexico. I want to give a big thank you to the staff and Johnny Cabo for treating us so well! It was so nice, that a bunch of us are going next weekend to celebrate Vicki and Eddie's birthdays. It is also Peggy's birthday, but with two babies it is very hard for her and Micah to get away. So we will have a body shot for them! We are going to miss you guys!
Let's talk about sex, baby, let's talk about you and me. I guess Vicki is not a big fan of that song? I talk to my girlfriends about everything (just usually not on camera). Vicki truly has a problem with the word vagina that I never knew about. She also does not want to hear about other people having sex, and I get it, not everyone is as open as me. So the more she froze up and freaked out, the more I wanted to bring her out of her shell. I thought the scene was hilarious, and the look on Vicki's face was priceless! I would love to personally thank Lady Gaga!
So, today Tamra (in third person) woke up and decided she wanted to be a proctologist. (Because you don't have to study for that... right?) Then she realized she has enough A-holes in her life! For those of you who truly get me, you know I am always looking for the next punchline to a joke. I don't mean to rip on Alexis for having dreams of being a fashion designer, it's more me poking fun of her silly statements. No, I don't think she is anorexic by any means, so let's just get that out of the way. But the stuff that comes out of her mouth kills me with laughter. When she said she wants to be a dress designer because, "you don't need to study for that," I almost fell off my interview chair. There is some truth to it, but I think there are a few designers like Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors, and Donna Karan that would love to address that comment? Sure there are a few like Coco Chanel that did not go to school, but they started sewing as a child and paid their dues at a very young age. Should I even comment about the dress she thought was appropriate to wear to the mall or market? I understand everyone has dreams, and when you're on this reality platform you want to capitalize on it. I think every Housewife wants to be the next Bethenny Frankel, I know I would! The difference is Bethenny is extremely talented and educated about her brand, and she stuck to what she knew (food and health), which is very important. When asked to slap your name on an unknown product, you should really be careful, it doesn't have a very high success rate. I wish Alexis the best of luck, and I do admire her for doing something for herself.
I cried watching Peggy's documentary. I think she was very brave to talk about her struggles with postpartum on TV. I know how hard it is to have two babies so close in age without any help. Then to deal with postpartum on top of it must have been hell!
The one thing I will say about Peggy and Micah, they are wonderful parents. They don't believe in having nannies raise their kids even though they can afford it. I have even suggested to her that she get a sitter once a week for four hours so she can get a little piece of mind, go grocery shopping without having to push around one of those huge car-style shopping carts, go to the dry cleaners without having to take two babies out of their car seats, or maybe just relax and get your nails done. This is advice that Simon actually gave me when Sidney and Spencer were babies, I was going crazy at the time! It really did help.
I know Peggy's story will be very inspiring to many moms going through the same thing. I'm sure Tom Cruise will be jumping on someone's couch to hear she overcame postpartum without any prescription drugs (which I have no problem with). Lord knows I should be medicated at times! I think Peggy having young kids and being very hands on is what drew me to her, we have become like sisters very fast. It's nice to have someone that you can vent to about the struggles of motherhood without them judging you. My biggest mothering struggle right now is sharing custody and missing my kids when they are gone. Peggy has really been there for me. It's also nice that we can do things together with our kids.
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