Didn't Vicki Almost Have It All?
Lydia shares why she thinks Vicki should move on from Brooks and why she chose to share her faith in this episode.
Coming off of the girls trip to Canada, it was good to get back to our normal routines. This episode really showed all of our personal lives rather then our relationships with one another. . .and I kind of liked that.
There was something very tender about the scene with the Dubrows. Sure, they sold their huge mansion, which is like a modern day palace, and that may not be that relatable. However, the love, adventure and family aspect which they talked about is something that I think we all can connect with. I like picturing Terry at home with his family having dinner nightly. Apparently, they will have better views and taller ceilings, but at its core their conversation is what we all want and strive for. It gave me the warm fuzzies and was a sweet moment to share with them.
The Vicki, Brianna, Brooks love triangle stresses me out. I want Vicki to be happy, but Brianna's concerns seem to hold weight too. Brianna and Vicki are obviously super close. So, for Brianna to feel so negatively about Brooks makes me think Vicki's relationship with him is doomed. A woman can never choose between her children and a man. The children will always win. Love should always be enough, but it seems that Vicki needs to listen to Whitney Houston's "Didn't We Almost Have It All," pack up, and drive away…
Gretchen and Alexis lunch didn't seem to resolve anything. Maybe they needed the presence of the "friendship whisperer," but something tells me there is just too much water under the bridge. They didn't have to say any words, just looking at their faces said it all. At least they tried to communicate. Sometimes a reconciliation just doesn't happen. Maybe they can take baby steps and rebuild that friendship, but they definitely have to start from ground zero. From what I can tell, they aren't picking up where they left off or hugging it out anytime soon.
I loved showing my Life Group in tonight's episode. I believe in Jesus and my faith is very important to me, but it's also very personal. I know I'm not perfect. In fact, I am keenly aware of many of my flaws. That is why I try to spend time with the Lord asking Him to help me with my life. Life Group is a time when I can reflect, be honest and have people support and pray for me. I would encourage anyone struggling with their purpose, or faith, or loneliness, or anything to seek a similar type of group. A lot of people ask me how I am so positive, and this is my answer. None of us have it all together, but together we have it all.
My friend Wendy, who attends my Life Group shared about her amazing charity called iSanctuary. If you are interested in learning more please go to iSanctuary.org They provide rehabilitation options for survivors of human trafficking. I love this organization and give a portion of my LYDIA M Jewelry sales to them.
Until next week,
xo Lydia
Twitter: @OCLydia
Instagram: @OCLydia