Braunwyn Windham-Burke Shows What “#Familytime” Looks Like in Her Gorgeous New Home
The Real Housewives of Orange County mom just moved her family of nine.
Braunwyn Windham-Burke packed up her husband, Sean Burke, and their seven children and moved to a new house earlier this month. And while The Real Housewives of Orange County mom didn't exactly enjoy that whole process — "This sucks," she said frankly in a social media post she wrote while they were moving — Braunwyn and her brood seem to have nested really quickly after such a huge feat.
"New home, new beginnings," she captioned a heartwarming video that shows three generations of her family inside their huge new home on Instagram. "Family, at the end of the day it’s all that matters #familytime #newhome#alltogether."
The video most prominently shows off Braunwyn, Sean, her mother, Dr. Deb, an older relative, and her children in the room that we presume is already the center of all the action in the house: the kitchen! We love how Braunwyn's white kitchen island and counters all have black tops, a chic design choice. The family room is conveniently located right next to the cooking and dining areas and features a sumptuous couch with enough room for the entire family to chill out. Everything seems to have its place already, despite the family just living there for a few weeks.
Looks like Braunwyn's family can already call their new place home sweet home!