Week 4: Spurred on by Cellulite
Mandy shares what's keeping her motivated.
Feeling a sense of accomplishment is not just for kids. I am feeling it, and it makes me stronger.
This week I am feeling stronger. I ache and I feel fatigue in my muscles, but mentally there is clarity. I have a long road ahead of me. The weight is slowly coming off, but I am far from able mentally to keep it off.
I am taking one day at a time. I see changes in my body, but I almost get more disgusted that I let myself go so much. I was always able to hide my belly, but now it is evident that I was not hiding it as well as I thought
As I workout, I see the cellulite on my arms and thighs, and it keeps me pressing on. I need to be patient and consistent, and I know that I am moving forward on this journey to a healthier me.