Week 7: Eat Out Without Cheating
Eating out on a diet? It's possible, and Jackie shows you how.
7 Ways to Not Break the Plan When Eating Out
1. Call Ahead or visit the restaurant's website before you eat out.
2. Decide what you'll order before you go.
3. Ask the waiter to hold the bread.
4. When you're eating out on clean days, order meat entrees, veggie dishes, and salad.
5. Order sauces and dressings on the side. Share entrees with a companion or save half of your entrée for another meal.
6. Be assertive. Ask about preparation methods so you can make better choices.
7. Practice portion control. One protein serving Is about the size of the palm of your hand. One serving of rice, pasta, or mashed potatoes is about as big as your fist.