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We Really Move Our Tails For You

Carlos Fernandez on Spam, and CJ's departure.

Quickfire Challenge

How to Watch

Watch Top Chef on Bravo and next day on Peacock.

I knew there would be a breakfast challenge, but I didn't think it would be straight out of bed! "Sara, you rock. Not only was your 'Egg In The Hole' dish liked by Padma, but you also had the cleanest station. And to top it off, you are finally getting the attention of the camera crew with some terrific asides. My favorite moment from this episode was when Chef Tom was hovering over you and you said, 'Hot stuff coming through...I'll burn you' and laugh." Priceless! I would like to have tasted Dale's dish as well. However the shout out goes to Hung for getting smart and realizing the way to a girl's heart is sweetened condensed milk and Grand Marnier.

Elimination Challenge

Another Top Chef teaser. "We're leaving Miami for New York." Only it's not New York -- it's Newark. And they are held hostage at the airport. I bet the Fountainbleu never looked so good. I know the new fashions are all frayed, but Padma looks like she got caught in the luggage carousel! Ha! This was a really tough challenge as the chefs were asked to not only make a great meal, but to package it in a way few of us are accustomed to doing. I enjoyed watching the chefs walk into the hanger a la 'Right Stuff' -- ready to save the world...or at least first class. And then the drama of all the flight attendants marching aboard. Great choice on Hung's part to make Chilean Sea Bass.

I think the most difficult part of this challenge was the re-heating of the food and keeping it fresh-tasting and moist. Casey ruled the day with those beautiful veal medallions, and how can you go wrong with cauliflower au gratin. She is showing herself to be a really smart competitor. By the way Casey, if you need a traveling companion for those anywhere tickets that you won, I'm available. Ha! In their zeal to impress, the three chefs on the bottom kind of forgot the imperative to reach out to a diverse crowd as would be served on an actual airplane. Sorry to see CJ go. He forgot what is turning out to be the overriding theme of Top Chef Season 3: "When in doubt, throw it out." I do hope that CJ gets to make it over that bridge into Manhattan one day. I know he has a bright career ahead.

Second Thoughts on Spam

I got a lot of grief last week from my comments about Spam. Let me make this perfectly clear: I am not a Spam basher. The purpose of this or any blog is to give one's opinions and hopefully be entertaining. To all of you who enjoy Spam, more power to ya. I believe differing opinions are great. That's why God gave us vanilla and chocolate! Check out Miami Spice for my latest recipe on this week's webisode. Until next week, Break an Egg!

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