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Here's What's Next for Scheana Shay Now That She's a Mom

Vanderpump Rules fans have followed Scheana's journey all the way to her next act of parenthood with Brock Davies

By Jocelyn Vena
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Life is good as gold for Vanderpump Rules' Scheana Shay now that she is officially a mom! She welcomed a daughter, Summer Moon Honey Davies, her first child with boyfriend, Brock Davies, on April 26.

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Long before she finally gave birth to her daughter, Scheana has been an open book with fans and shared with the world her professional and personal highs and lows, as well as, later on, her decision to freeze her eggs to make her dream of motherhood come true in the future. 

Well, the future is here, and it looks bright. Ahead of her baby's birth, Scheana spoke to Bravo Insider in March about her journey to motherhood and what she's looking forward to now that, as she would say, it's all happening.

Scheana's journey has been peppered with happiness and some heartbreak, as fans have witnessed for themselves. She married Mike Shay, and the pair ended up divorced a couple years later. Following their split, Scheana never gave up on love or herself. And eventually, she met Brock in 2019. The two started dating, moved in together amid the pandemic, and in 2020, Scheana sadly suffered a miscarriage, later finding out that she was pregnant again that same year. Now, she's a mom. To say it's been an emotional roller coaster is a bit of an understatement.

"I've just gotten so much support. I've had so many women who have reached out just thanking me for talking about miscarriage and just making that public, because that's helped them cope with theirs and be able to talk to their families about it because there's just such a stigma around it and people feel so ashamed and feel like it's their fault. And I felt that way, too. When we went through it, I blamed myself. I never knew I could get pregnant, and then I did and then a month later, I lose it. And it was just devastating, and I was blaming myself. But after speaking with my doctors and friends and family who have been through it, they're like you didn't do anything wrong," she said. "And by me talking so openly about that I know has helped so many women. And that's why I made that decision to speak about it publicly, and I still do and I always will."

Honesty has always been Scheana's policy when it comes to her life, as fans have seen over the years. She's never been afraid to put her life out there.

"Honestly, I don't really have any regrets or anything. I don't know that I would necessarily change anything. I mean, I could make some funny jokes right now, but I feel like always be kind. And I think I've been that. I've tried my best to always remain friends with everyone, and I wouldn't change that. I think the only thing that I would maybe tell myself is to really stand up for what I believe in because I felt like maybe around like Seasons 2 to 4 I kind of bit my tongue a lot more, and I let certain people walk all over me and influence how I treated certain friends," she recalled. "And that's kind of like my only regret over the last 10 years. As far as like the show and stuff goes, I think I wish that I just stood up a little more for what I believe in rather than getting peer pressured or bullied into doing what others wanted from me."

Still, Scheana has ultimately always followed her heart. And living through the events of the last year of her life has taught her an important lesson or two about herself. "I mean, I've always known that I'm a very strong person, But to get pregnant so shortly after a miscarriage, that was really challenging. And it was really scary in the beginning. And I've just learned that I can get through anything, even something so terrible as losing a baby," she said. "But I think that I wouldn't be able to so easily if I didn't have such a great support system. I mean, Brock and my family have been amazing. And just being pregnant in a pandemic, it has its bonuses where you don't have the FOMO. But at the same time, it's like I didn't get to do [certain things]. I was thankful that I was able to do a shower at all, and we had everyone test and it was safe. But to know those things that you kind of miss out on because you need to be safe and you need to make sure that you're taking the right precautions. But I think I've just learned that I'm a very strong person, and I can get through anything."

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Now that she is officially a mom, Scheana is looking to the future and finding new ways to connect with fans.

"I'm excited to get back to L.A. I feel like we've been away from our friends and family for so long now. But it's like everyone's been away from everyone. Even if we were in L.A., we still wouldn't be seeing people as much. It'll be nice to be back and be close to family and just start this next chapter. I'm excited to kind of transition my social media and my YouTube into a mommy platform. It's something that I've always dreamed of and thought about but never knew if it was actually gonna happen for me. So it's exciting, and I've just seen the response from people since I announced my pregnancy and it's something I'm looking forward to," she said. "But also terrified, because it's like I just feel like every little thing, you know, we're under a microscope, and we're just gonna get judged for every little thing. But at the end of the day, no one can tell me how to parent. And we just have to go with our gut and what we feel. And, I just know that our kid's gonna be all right."

Scheana and Brock do have a strong support system as well. Scheana is a native to the Los Angeles area, so her family is close by to help out as they adjust to life as a family of three. "They're so excited. They cannot wait. [My mom is] gonna be Nana... I thought that was cute. My mom just did not want to be Grandma. My dad is gonna be an Opa, but my mom's not Dutch. And I already had an Oma [my grandmother]. So that didn't feel right either. And so I was like, 'You're gonna be Nana. Deal with it, I like it.' And she's finally gotten on board with it," Scheana explained, adding that her mom really wanted to be "Gigi," but "Brock's mom goes by Gigi, so she [the baby] already has a Gigi." (Brock is already a dad.)

While Scheana's family is close by, Brock's family is located in Australia, where he used to live, so it may be a while before they meet the baby IRL.

"They're so excited. They're just so sad that they're not gonna be able to meet her for a while. They're in Australia, and with the quarantine laws right now, we don't know when we're gonna be able to be in person. So that's just, like, a really sad thing for us. But we'll be doing a lot of FaceTimes. And as soon as we can get them out here, we can get out there, and hopefully not have to quarantine for two weeks, it will be amazing," she said.

They have also thought about what it might look like for the baby to visit Australia. "His mom had asked about that. And I just said, 'You know, whenever we know when we're gonna be able to visit [then we'll have more info].' I mean, she's gonna be too big for a bedside bassinet, I'm sure, at that point 'cause it's, realistically with the quarantine laws and everything, I don't think we'll be able to get to Australia this year. So I told his mom, you know, when it comes time that we're able to go over there [we'll figure it out]. We want to go over there for more than a week. We want to go over there for a length of time. I'll order some stuff and ship it to her house. So we're ready to go when we land," Scheana said.

Ahead of welcoming their daughter, the couple had (and has) spent a lot of time together amid the pandemic during lockdown. Brock noted during the interview with Bravo Insider that he enjoyed spending all that time with his girlfriend: "It's uncommonly annoying how easy it is."

Scheana added, "I think we just are such a great balance for each other, honestly. We both don't put up with each other's s--t, and we call each other out. And we're very supportive of one another. And I feel like, you know, living together so early in a relationship in a pandemic, like just being locked down together 24 hours a day for months, could have gone one of two ways. And we realized that we just work really well together. We're a good balance."

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