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The Secret

Episode 8: Bravotv.com's Assistant Editor is still not over Lola and Simon discussing pubic hair.

Now on this week's episode, the interaction between Lola and Simon was slightly awkward as he shared his thoughts on Lola's rather, um, exposed piece of work. However this unseen footage from that moment takes it to a whole other level.

Yep, Simon and Lola discussed pubic hair. More specifically that they both hope that it come back in style. Just when you think you've heard Simon say something completely wild and unexpected (Exhibit A), he goes and outdoes himself yet again. This man is truly a gem.work-of-art-season-2-gallery-rate-the-work-208.jpg

The challenge to create a something that would sell to the masses and yet still be gallery-worthy seemed rather daunting (hence the copious amount of prizes at stake I suppose). What sort of things can you create that the American population at large will see and like enough to spend money on(Thanks for providing the perfect visual, Dusty!), while at the same time making something that sends a message? Difficult but not impossible as some of the artists proved.

Oh and Young planned on using his shall we say "assets" to help round up more customers. Is this the secret to his consistent wins on the show? Booty shorts?

work-of-art-season-2-gallery-rate-the-work-208-06.jpgSo even though Lola bared it all for her secret sharing piece, Sara tore it up with her on-demand portraits and scored the most cash. Unfortunately Sarah's feather penises somehow didn't fly off the shelves like Young's underwear people, so Sara and Young took the top spot and the money.

Seriously though, how has Young won pretty much all the cash on this show? The man cannot be stopped. I just want to hang out with him so some of his magic money-attracting ability rubs off on me. But I digress.

Lola (reprsented by the creepy angry face) was not exactly thrilled that she couldn't take the top spot for this challenge just because she wasn't in the top earning team. But what can you do? At least she wasn't in Dusty or Sarah K's shoes. Although Dusty's camera looked like an ink cartridge to the judges, it was Sarah who flew off on her penis-feathered wings. Next week the artists have to create portraits based on their trip to a quaint upstate New York town. Sounds relaxing right? Oh wait, did we mention that there's a double elimination to determine who goes to the finale?

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