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The Town

Episode 9: Bravotv.com's Assistant Editor thinks Cold Spring may be the inspiration for Stars Hollow.

Finally! I've been wondering all season what the deal is with Lola's lengthy titles for her pieces, and in this unseen footage she finally acknowledges the fact that they're so long. OK, so she doesn't so much explain why she does it, but hey, at least she didn't go with her initial idea to give this week's piece a seven paragraph title. 


This week's challenge was all about portraits (best summed up by Young's portrait-packed piece). The artists were given some spending money and set free in the town of Cold Spring, New York to go find a subject and materials for their portrait. 

I would imagine it's kind of awkward to just walk up to people and ask them, "Oh hey, can you be the subject of my art project?" I couldn't help but have a flashback to Titanic when Jack paints Rose wearing nothing but the Heart of the Ocean. Ah, memories! Alas, there were no French girls to be found in Cold Spring, but plenty of interesting characters. I was most obsessed with Kymia's curiosity shop owning couple, Bob and Barbara. Cold Spring definitely seems like a kooky place to live (a la Stars Hollow in Gilmore Girls).work-of-art-season-2-gallery-rate-the-work-209-03.jpg

Now the moment of truth  -- who will make it to the finale? Honestly a double elimination in the penultimate episode is really heart-wrenching. At this point it's tough to see anyone go home, much less two people simultaneously! The art world is a cruel, cruel place. 

You knew Dusty was in trouble once he abandoned the fortune teller idea (I was really curious to see how that would have turned out) and went back to the candy coated portrait. I was also nervous for Lola when she kept adding more and more elements to her piece, because it kept getting her into trouble each week. Alas the judges' weren't buying their works and they were sent home.

I enjoyed Kymia's piece (I think she's got a good thing going with creepy fairy tale-esque drawings), and I liked Sara's even though the judges weren't so into the sculpture to the side of the portrait. Young's was also striking in its meta-portrait way. These three should make for a very interesting finale!Next week the finale is finally here! But it looks like Kymia may be in big trouble...

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