Bdm S9 1200x1200 Nathan

Nathan Gallagher

Hometown: Burtonport, Ireland 

Birth date: June 19 

Zodiac sign: Gemini  

Years of experience in the yachting industry: 2 

Favorite off-boat activities: Everything to do with boats! 

Special skills: Making people laugh.

What Bravo shows do you watch? Below Deck franchise and Summer House.

What do you do in your off time on the boat? I enjoy traveling on my time off. I’m currently saving for a house in Spain, so my time off is limited.  

What are the biggest and smallest tips you’ve ever gotten? The tips I got while on the Mustique (are the biggest). I’ve never received tips like that in my life.Read More

Hometown: Burtonport, Ireland 

Birth date: June 19 

Zodiac sign: Gemini  

Years of experience in the yachting industry: 2 

Favorite off-boat activities: Everything to do with boats! 

Special skills: Making people laugh.

What Bravo shows do you watch? Below Deck franchise and Summer House.

What do you do in your off time on the boat? I enjoy traveling on my time off. I’m currently saving for a house in Spain, so my time off is limited.  

What are the biggest and smallest tips you’ve ever gotten? The tips I got while on the Mustique (are the biggest). I’ve never received tips like that in my life. 

What’s one thing about working and living on a boat that would surprise people? You can make friends with people you’d never make friends with in normal life.