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RHONJ Goes to a Gay Bar (Part II)

Episode 11:'s Associate Editor thinks Lauren should just turn her new store into a gay bar.

By Andrew Herrmann


Oh Milania... It's always bad when a cute child does naughty things. You can't help but laugh! That's what I imagine is the case for Teresa and Joe. How can you get angry with Milania once she flashes that impishly cute smile? How do you take it seriously when a little girl one quarter the size of her father continuously calls him a big poop? Maybe I'm still four-years-old at heart, but I cracked up every time she said it.

The whole thing is all the more hilarious when you see all the other Giudice girls cleaning up and going about their morning. Milania's the stereotypical little sister who drives you crazy, yet somehow manages to get out of trouble (which drives you even MORE crazy). You know deep down Gabriella dreams of putting down the Windex and cracking the perfect joke.

For those of you in need of a refresher on the best Milania moments, check out out the top ten from last season. Then of course enjoy her most recent, poop-filled mischief below.

Joe's a Big Poop

Dance Dance Revolution

Holy J.Lo, Jersey fans! Is Melissa actually rehearsing with Michael Jackson's choreographer/J.Lo's ex, Cris Judd? Why yes, that is correct. Hats off to Melissa, because she is really striving to raise the bar in the world of Housewives performances. If this guy can't bring her On Display game to the next level, no one can. (Although as usual Kim Zolciak provides some stiff competition even in the dance department.)

Cris wasn't exactly impressed with Melissa's moves at first; he wants her to find the power in stillness. Hold up. What? Isn't she supposed to learning some sweet new moves? Where does stillness come into this? I want to see them do some crazy choreo! I want Melissa to be doing one-handed flips across the stage! All I can say is their next few sessions better get a little more intense.

Side note: I love that Melissa practices with him at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio where her daughter, Antonia, gets dance lessons. This place is blowing up!
Michael Jackson to Melissa Gorga
RHONJ Goes to a Gay Bar (Part II)

Last week Kathy and Rosie took lesbian hot spot, Cubby Hole, by storm. This week the Manzos and the Gorgas go all out at gay bar Boxers for Greg's birthday. This season is basically just like watching an hour of rainbows and unicorns (and I love it).

First of all, does Greg go out to gay bars with Lauren and Jacqueline often? How was that an effective decoy? If so, can we follow those three around, because I can only imagine what kind of trouble those three would get into.

And of course the Manzo bros made sure Melissa would be there, because let's face it, Greg is just a little bit obsessed with Melissa. (Don't believe me? Exhibit A.) With Melissa of course comes Joe, which means only one thing -- gratuitous nudity. Joe was ready to shake it shirtless until they kicked him out of the bar. As great as that was, I will admit, I was kind of hoping he'd show up rocking that Snooki costume from last year. Oh well. At this rate, he'll be able to do that next week when Lauren decides to scratch her original idea and turn her new store space into a gay club.
Joe's Not Gay, Right?
Next week things get a little uncomfortable shall we say for Joe Gorga.
Joe's Having a Moment

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey Sundays at 8/7c on Bravo and stream next day on Peacock.

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