Mariah: It Doesn't Matter Who's Right or Wrong
In light of Lisa's health scare, Mariah realizes that life’s too short not to accept, forgive and move on.
Seeing Lisa go through her cancer scare makes me realize just how minuscule the gossip, the rumors and the cattiness really are. I'm happy to know she is cancer-free. I can only imagine how scary that situation was for her and her family. When prayers go up, blessings come down, and a clean bill of health is definitely one of life's most valuable blessings.
It was also great to see there was healing and resolve in the Tranquility Room. I commend Toya and Simone for being mature enough to move past their issues. When there is a breakdown in a friendship, it really doesn't matter who is right or wrong. At some point we all just have to accept, forgive and move on. Holding on to negativity just makes you bitter and resentful, and life is too short for that.
"Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest." -- Sri Chinmoy
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