Captain Lee Rosbach Says the Below Deck Reunion "Is Showing the True Colors" of the Crew
But Kate Chastain is "SO DAMN PROUD" of what one crew member did at the Season 7 reunion.
The Below Deck Season 7 reunion kicked off with Part 1 on Monday, February 10, and it proved to be an eye-opening experience for Captain Lee Rosbach.
Captain Lee reacted to the reunion on Twitter as the episode aired, sharing that he felt like he was seeing a different side to some of the crew members than he knew while working with them this season. "Wow, some night guys right? This is showing the true colors I feel," he tweeted. "I have no regrets, except that I didn't know what happened when it happened and things would have been much different. I assure you."
He also wasn't satisfied with how some of the crew members explained their actions this season of Below Deck. "Tons of excuses about bad behavior," Captain Lee tweeted. "Just effing own it, and move on. Wow."
Captain Lee came down particularly hard on Kevin Dobson during the night, criticizing how he handled charter guest Justine's criticism about what he was serving this season, as well as for inserting himself in Brian de Saint Pern and Courtney Skippon's breakup text drama. You can check out their heated exchange, below.
One crew member who stood out for the right reasons at the reunion, according to Kate Chastain, was Courtney. "SO DAMN PROUD OF @courtneyskippon ON THIS REUNION," the chief stew tweeted during the episode. "Her 'fundamental issues happening in the world today.....' speech shows how intelligent and well spoken she is."
After hearing Captain Lee's thoughts on the Below Deck Season 7 reunion so far, we're starting to get an idea of why he walks off the set, which we'll see in Part 2 airing Monday, February 17 at 8/7c.
Hear more of Captain Lee's thoughts on this season's crew backstage at the reunion in the above video. Watch another buzzy moment from the reunion, below.