Bethenny Frankel Finds Balance...In a Bikini
The #RHONY star posts a playful pic aimed at co-star Carole Radziwill while on vacation.
If Carole Radziwill really wants balance from Bethenny Frankel, here it is in full force!
The Real Housewives of New York star is currently vacationing and shared a pic of herself doing a handstand in a bright blue bikini, playfully captioning, “On tonight’s episode, @caroleradziwill tells me I need to find balance. How’s this? #RHONY.”
The Skinnygirl mogul has received backlash for her slim figure, but insists that she’s healthy and happy just the way she is. We have to say, she’s looking pretty toned in that two-piece!
Bethenny has been on the receiving end of lots of judgment for her physique and has had to defend her weight plenty of times in the past. “Do I look bad? Do I look like I need to eat a burger?" she asked on the Meredith Vieira Show in January. "I feel like, ‘Who cares?’ They are always going to say something. I do have a brand called Skinnygirl, so I am going to get beaten up for it.”