Ashley Fan Club
Taylor Jacobson has three points she wants to make sure come across. You seem to get more done when Brad and Rachel are out of the office. Why do you think that is?
Because they don't distract me. Brad just always TALKS, talks, taaaalks.
What is the difference between Brad and Rachel's relationship and your relationship with her.
Brad and Rachel are girlfriends. I'm not Rachel's girlfriend, I'm her employee.
Are you ever jealous of Brad and Rachel's relationship? We see them together during Fashion Week.
No, I'm not jealous. I really like that they're friends. It takes the pressure off of me.
We see you working with Ashley in this ep
- I HATE that girl.
I hate Ashley. I think she's a disgusting human being. And a horrible worker.
What happened?
It was just such a mistake. I thought she was a good employee, and a hard worker, but she just turned out to be a shitty person and a shitty employee. I am really glad that it worked out between Brad and I, because I would have killed myself if I had to work with her.
Anything she did specifically?
We believe that she lost jewelry. I just don't like Ashley. She's horrible.
Originally why do you think she was more qualified than Brad?
She, like many people, talk a really good game, but her follow-though sucks. She left me at the alter. Hate her. No original style. I really do despise her. Also Rachel's old assistant, Leigh. Despise her too.
So who do you like that you work with?
I like Marisa. And Jordan. And Brad. And Rodger. Rodger is definitely my favorite out of everyone.
How is Rachel different than other bosses in the industry?
Rachel doesn't micromanage. Rachel is a cool boss. She lets you go at your own speed, and she don't watch to make sure you're remembering every detail. She trusts her employees to do their jobs. This job is stressful enough -- Rachel knows that and isn't trying to put any more pressure on us.
Well, that's all the questions I have!
Is Rachel's interview more on point? Rachel will take twenty-five minutes to answer - I like to give people creative freedom. Just make sure you get the following points: 1. I hate Ashley. 2. I love Rachel. 3. Brad talks too much.