RHOA Makes It Rain in Vegas
Derek J. would have been hitting the strip club along with the ladies.
Let me start this off by saying that I am enjoying this season more and more as the weeks continue! These girls never cease to entertain or amaze me. So I’ll start off with my HELL NO of the week. An eight hour bus ride to Vegas? No ma'am! Though it was funny to see the girls losing their minds!
The Vegas trip seemed cool, even though not everyone was prepared to "Live La Vida Vegas." OK, so I won't say everybody, I guess I will just say Porsha. (Sorry, girl.) But in her defense, she does have to make sure the "King of Her Castle" is pleased with her behavior. Who are we to challenge that? But me personally, I would have been tipping like Kandi, Kenya, and Phae-Phae!
I can't end this without talking about this week's installment of the Donkey vs. Stallion battle. Was Phaedra wrong for mentioning Walter when Kenya orally engaged her strawberry? Either way, once again, the ish hit the fan. I hope they got it out this time, or at least can wait to bring it on the reunion.
See you next week!