Cynthia and Peter's Communication Needs Work
Kenya weighs in on Chuck's shocking comments and Peter and Cynthia's blowout.
I’m so happy to be healthy. I underwent surgery last week (myomectomy), which is a surgery to remove fibroid tumors of the uterus. The surgery was successful, and I was able the watch the episode Sunday from my hospital bed. Thank you for all of your well wishes and kind regards.
I was disgusted by Chuck’s distasteful admissions and disrespect for his wife, Kandi, and Phaedra. We all were told a very different story on what their “relationships” were. Chuck didn’t need to admit he had casual sex with Phaedra or throw Kandi under the bus with her. Frankly, it isn’t any of our business. I would be ashamed to be married to a man like that. A real man doesn’t need to drag a woman through the mud for the sake of appeasing his wife. Phaedra should be familiar with this. However, in this case, Chuck looked like a real jackass not a “real player.” A gentleman or real “player” doesn’t have to try to prove to everyone how much of a player he is or was or…clearly wasn’t. Chuck’s respect for women is in the same place his hairline is now…it left him a long time ago.MAN CAVE TO MISBEHAVE
What the hell? A married man of less than 5 years tells his wife he wants a man cave of his own in the form of an apartment across town! Cynthia is a better woman than me. I imagine my response to that request would be to pack all of my husband’s belongings and throw him out on the curb where he should be for that kind of nonsense. Married men don’t get their own apartments “to escape” their lives with their wives. That’s what the strip club is for. LOL! Seriously, marriage is for better or for worse. It appears that the communication in their relationship needs a lot of work. You cannot operate independently when you have a lifetime partnership and commitment with someone. No, I’ve never been married but I have been in long-term relationships lasting longer than most marriages do. So yes, I do understand that communication and honesty is the foundation of ANY relationship. Bar none.
Malorie telling Cynthia sex 2-3 times is fine…A DAY!
Chuck telling kids NeNe was the top actress in the world. I guess Athens is a small town.
Miss Lawrence saying he has f---ed Chuck…just not that one!FAMILY TIES
If you want to know what my family is like, please watch next week’s episode when my father finally comes to visit from Texas. [video_clip_url:]
Peace and love,