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A Good Person
Dana is particularly saddened by Brandi's treatment of Taylor.
I feel sick after watching this week's episode. I was not invited to Brandi's which I was really pissed about at the time. I thought she would have reciprocated my invitation to Game Night but she didn't. I didn't want to invite her originally to Game Night, but I did because Taylor asked me to give her another chance after Adrienne's barbeque.
Taylor is always such a good person, that's what added to my frustration in watching the show. To see Brandi kick Taylor out in such an emotional state after Brandi's emotional display at my event really made me mad. I am so sorry I wasn't there to defend Taylor and tell Brandi my thoughts personally.
As far as Camille is concerned, I know she was trying to reach out in the best way she could but Taylor needed more time and the party wasn't allowing them to avoid confrontation. I'm not sure why D.D. kept getting in the middle, she was out of line in that it wasn't her fight to have. However knowing how close Camille and her are, I'm sure she was just trying to protect Camille. I was happy Kyle stood by Taylor's side and I would kiss her a-- all over again for it! Thank you Kyle!
I hope Taylor's story helps women seek the help that they might need it in a similar situation. I think I'm in next week's episode, and I hope to make you smile.
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