The Toxic Brandi/Adrienne/Paul Issue
Taylor wishes the group could just have one enjoyable night out.
Seeing everyone fighting at dinner brings up feelings of sadness for me.
Everyone has strong opinions of the Adrienne/Paul/Brandi fight. I have never seen Mauricio upset, and I know that he must have very strong feelings to be so expressive. The whole explosion did happen at his event and that was not the place and time. He is a calm, level-headed man and a fabulous father, husband, and friend. He and Ken have a great relationship and the two of them disagreeing is so unusual.
The whole issue is toxic for our group as a whole and I just wanted it to be over. We haven't had an enjoyable evening is so long and we certainly need one.
Kyle is in a difficult position trying to be friendly with both Adrienne and Brandi. I know how challenging being in the middle can be and I feel for her.
I am so excited for Kyle with her new store. "Kyle" has beautiful décor and has gorgeous clothing. Kyle and Faye have been very close for many, many years and I know it was a fun project for them to work together on her new venture.