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Peace and Love

Jill gives her honest opinion about Alex's truce and Ramona's behavior.

By Jill Zarin

I normally don't like writing blogs that contain very little positivity. Throughout the season I know our blogs can get very catty toward each other but I always try to add the nice things as well. Bobby and I always say peace and love is the most important thing. I try really hard to stay on that path. When it comes to blogging about a Housewives reunion, unfortunately it's just not going to be filled with pleasantries. Bravo gets us together at the end of each season to talk about the controversies that went on throughout the season and the ensuing months. Needless to say there's not a lot of positivity to write about, so all I can give you is my honest opinion on a few of the situations discussed.

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When Ramona and Alex set me up early in the season at the wedding I reacted to what they did and called Alex a name. But what did they expect? They did it to get a reaction. The only thing I regret about it is the language I used. Remember, this was before we made our truce. Alex used this to retract our truce. In the five months since we burned that paper I did not talk behind her back. Every chance she got, she took a shot at me. The things she said about me on camera this season were before she knew what I said about her at the wedding. Everything she said was after we had a so-called truce. I'm an honest person. When I made the truce with her, I meant it and I kept it. Yet, I watch the show and I hear her telling Simon that she never really liked me, etc. . .

Also in her blog this season, she never missed a chance to take a shot at me. So why forgive Sonja who never gave an apology, yet break our truce? Alex said something to the extent of "real friends fight and make up." If that was the case and Alex wanted to be my real friend she would have let that go like she did with Sonja. She realized she couldn't fight with everyone and so she chose Sonja's friendship. That's her choice, but she never should have led me to believe that she wanted to be my friend. It's obvious that she was playing on both sides of the fence. She was looking for a reason to fight with me and used something I said under my breath once over four months of the show against me.

It takes both people to make a friendship work. When Simon threatened me, I could have done the same thing she did, but I chose peace over pettiness. I wish Alex would have done the same. The truth is I did like Simon and Alex when I met them and I would have much preferred to spend the past four years building a friendship instead of tearing each other part. Sadly, I was not surprised to hear Alex condones aggressive behavior from her husband toward her friends or women in general. It was obvious all season as she never stepped up and spoke to Simon about the things he was doing and saying to any of the Housewives.

Did you happen to notice Ramona's body language when she doesn't want to talk about something? When it was brought up about Mario confronting me recently, Ramona just wanted to skip it instead of apologizing for Mario's inexcusable behavior. Andy wouldn't let it go. This was a party held by a mutual friend of ours and there is also another mutual friend of ours who was witness to Mario shoving me with his hand and getting in my face and saying "I want to talk to you." Ramona needed to acknowledge that it happened and ask her husband to apologize. She at least admitted that she didn't see the incident, which is different than what she said in the press after it happened. We choose what we say in our intros, and it's interesting to note how Ramona wanted to present herself: "If people can't handle the truth it's really not my problem." This reinforces her pattern of hurting peoples feelings and not caring about what people think and feel. We all say things sometimes in anger, and I'm as guilty as the next person but at least I'm adult enough to apologize.

I honestly got very upset that Ramona continued to bring up LuAnn's children. Before Season 1 we all agreed, no kids, keep the drama between us. Ramona crossed the line and went as low as she could go. Ramona has no boundaries for the emotional damage she causes. She can give it but she can't take it. For the past two seasons she has relentlessly talked about LuAnn's marriage. Yet when I commented, she thought it was the worst thing ever. She can dish it out but can't take it. It's obvious how uncomfortable she made LuAnn. Ramona wouldn't let it go -- she kept hammering her and I couldn't take it. Someone had to stand up and say "enough" and I literally did. I walked off the set. Ramona should check her own house before throwing stones.

I want to end by saying this: The blondes continue to think that just because they say things it makes them true. In answer to that philosophy I have this to say, "You stop lying about me, and I'll stop telling the truth about you."

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