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Kristen Isn't Taking Sides, But She Believes Carole

Kristen weighs in on #BookGate, accusing Aviva of hitting below the belt, as she spills on her sexy spray tan with Sonja.

By Kristen Taekman

Me again. I would like to remind you all that I am not a writer, just a Housewife with a "Real" in front of that. The good news is I hear that writing is much like sending a long email. Oh, my bad that's for writing a book not a blog. Well anyhoo, here we go. . .#ghostwriter

I hope you all paid close attention to Carole and Aviva's lunch, I know I did. This damn lunch. We all heard about this lunch for four months. It was a she said/she said. No one really knew what happened -- just Aviva and Carole. Until now!!! Did you notice the thunder and rain in this scene? Did they put that in? Carole, Aviva was it really raining and stormy that day outside or just inside? I loved when they scanned the restaurant and how uncomfortable Carole was the whole time. Aviva was trying make Carole comfortable or so she thought -- the glasses thing (so weird), the moving men, and the bowl of pasta. I missed that? Did Carole love pasta last Season?

Listen I am not a writer (Obviously! -- "Not the sharpest tool in the shed"). But to imply that Carole had a ghostwriter is pretty down right cruel. She fanned on her so hard last Season, loved her book and her writing, and now is implying that she had a ghostwriter. I think Aviva should have just admitted if she I looked into ghost/cowriters and just found (like via long email) that she was able to to it on my own. There is nothing wrong with that. The only other friend that I have that's written books is Brandi. She sits and she writes (like a long email. Yes, puts in tons of work). Then gives it to her CO-WRITER, who tweaks it and puts it together. Brandi has praised her co-writer! #justsaying. I think one can learn a lot from good old Walt Disney. #Pinocchio

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I think that you will see a lot of us ladies just confused by this whole #BookGate. Wonering whose side do we take? Who do we believe? It's crazy to finally see how it unfolded. I am new to the group and don’t want to take sides just yet. It's really not my fight. But if you ask me if Carole wrote her book, I say yes 150 percent or 100 percent -- whatever, you know what I mean. #TooMuchPinot.

I do think that Aviva was being overly sensitive, mean, gossipy about the whole thing. Even Ramona was surprised by Aviva’s behavior.

At this point when I went out with the girls in the park, let's remember I literally just met all of these woman except for Heather. I wasn't at this lunch. I need to sit back and listen form my own opinions. I am listening, listening. . . Wait. . .her Dad's a sex addict? My face.  I had no idea and boy do I find out -- #staytuned.  (I also don’t usually exercise with that much make up.)


I DO NOT LET MY KIDS DRINK BEER OR WINE.  So funny Cashy's quick response though right? #Reality. Kingsley throwing food on the floor, etc. Can we talk about what a mess my house is with toys everywhere! UGH.  It's so nice spending time with Heather and her family. Our kids get along great as do the hubbies. We had just an all around great time!

Okay. . .so Kingsley. She did this crazy crab crawl. Did anyone else's child crawl like that? #TweetMe So when she was six months old she hit all of her milestones except rolling over and she never did a traditional crawl. My mommy instincts told me there was an issue, but my pediatrician said it was fine. #SecondOpinion I got rid of that doc quick. I saw a new one and got a physical evaluation (the super expensive evaluation where she cried so much she threw up -- and I nearly cried and threw up). The results were that she was physically delayed and that she was indeed in need of physical therapy. Serious therapy, like three days a week. She is doing fine now but, as a mother, it breaks your heart. You just wonder where she would be today if we didn’t get that second opinion. It's hard. It's a year later and she is walking (no more crab crawl), but for some reason I am still emotional about it and having a hard time writing this. . .and I am not quiet sure why?

OK, she got fit for braces to help support her back and legs. We call them here "pretty girl shoes" or her "butterfly shoes." The shoes give her the support she needs in her legs and ankles to help her to strengthening her back, etc. We try and get her to wear them at least once a day. It's harder now that she is into all sorts of fun girl's shoes. We do the best we can. Day by day. Listen, if I didn’t catch this early on would she have been OK? Yes, OK, but struggling. I am very happy that I caught it early.
I was crying watching Heather talk about Jax and all the struggles that she went through. Wow, unbelievable. I remember meeting her and hearing all about it. I am not that religious of a person, but I believe that God only gives you what you can handle. Jax’s story really makes you understand just how important organ donation is. Heather is one tough cookie, one kick butt business woman, a loving wife, an amazing mother and supportive, faithful, loyal, loving friend. Just don’t cross her! #BOSSYPANTS

Aviva’s move. She states the most stressful things in life: divorce, check; death, check (her mother); and moving, check. All that with a horrible accident. Hello, just meeting her and hearing all about this. Does anyone else think that this is where all of her pent up anger is coming from? That's a lot of stuff for one "Leggy Blonde."

Harrison's bedroom is nicer than mine. . .for real. #luckykid


I would love to see Sonja and Harry together forever I really think they are perfect for each other!

This was my first spray tan ever! I had no idea what to expect. Let's be clear. The fabulous Sonja Morgan invites you over for anything, you accept and make the hike all the way uptown! Krysten, the spray tan girl, is amazing! She is from Connecticut like me and I use her all the time now. She came over last weekend! I think most of the other girls are using her, too. 

Alrighty, so I get invited to Sonja's for the spray tan. I was told to bring a bikini. I didn’t. I am not big on tan lines and well, I was hoping maybe the footage would never see the light of day. Ha ha, yeah right. The ONLY THING I forgot to mention to Josh the whole Season was that I spray tanned nearly naked. He was pissed when he saw it. Oops. . .I explained that it was like being in a bikini, and it wasn’t like I was dancing topless on a bar or something? He felt like it was way too much skin to show. Oy vey.

I just like that Sonja shares her beauty secret. Love!

On to Aviva and Heather in the nail salon. Who is your audience? Aviva responds, "Anyone who reads I guess?" Even I could come up with a better pitch then that.

Really low blow when Aviva makes that messed up comment in the interview about Heather's business. #belowthebeltnotcool And stop talking about the ghostwriter!

Moving on, Aviva's new home is AMAZING! She is a gracious host! The bar was set up in her bedroom. That was weird, I was scared to spill or mess something up. The paint on some of the walls was practically still wet. The bed thing with Harry and Sonja and Reid and Aviva -- so BIZARRE.  Imagine keeping your bed from you ex?  I do think that it is really cool that they are all so close.

150 percent, 100 percent, whatever. I had a bit too much Ramona on the rocks and at that point, I had only just met these woman. Hello, you try sitting next to Ramona and see how you do. Ghostwriter/cowriter -- whatever you knew what I meant!

Bad analogy with the example with the modeling in my interview -- and that's all I have to say about that. Ha ha.

UGH this whole fight. Here we go, get ready this is only the beginning!!

Why is Aviva so hell bent on fighting with Carole about something that is so trivial and not even true?


Aviva is just so aggressive. It's not a competition!!

It's really just like comparing apples to spaceships! Best line ever. #TEAMCAROLE.  Hindsight is 20/20.

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