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So, Apparently Tamra Judge Is Shannon Storms Beador's Personal Nose Hair Trimmer...
The Real Housewives of Orange County duo just took their friendship to a whole new level.
There are certain things only a true BFF will do for you that no one else will, like tell you when your breath smells, or dance on your brand new countertops with you at your housewarming, or in Tamra Judge's case, trim your nose hairs? Now, we knew the members of the Tres Amigas were close, but not this close.
On a recent episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County After Show we learned that Tamra helps bestie Shannon Storms Beador groom her nose area and there's hilarious video proof (see the clip above).
"I don't wanna say she doesn't fully take care of every... like shave her armpits — it's just not a high priority to her. She's not a lady's keeper, to say the least," Tamra shared.
She explained, "I'm a freak about that. So, she just had these nose hairs and I'm like, 'Dude, you gotta do something about it.' Because I'm that weirdo that would be talking to you and I will focus on that one pimple or the nose hair."
"Apparently, I needed a nose hair trim," Shannon confirmed.
Shannon also revealed that "certain cast members have certain jobs when we're filming." In addition to nose hair trimming, she explained that Tamra is usually on eyeliner patrol because the black makeup always seems to run under her eyes. And there's another 'Wife who also gets up close and personal with Shannon when it comes to grooming.
Watch the full clip above to find out which RHOC lady is also on "nose patrol" and is an "amazing nose-picker," per Shannon.