Gizelle: Candiace, In the Future Pace Yourself, Honey What was it like meetingCandiace Dillard — why do you prefer her to Monique?
Gizelle Bryant: I have NEVER met anyone for the first time and within seven minutes they are telling you about their man's penis. I mean, DETAILS, the color, the size, the shape. I didn't know if it was immaturity or if she was just happy that she had a penis, but she was definitely acting like he was the last penis standing. FYI, Candiace, keep your man's junk business to YOURSELF. Meeting Candiace for the first time she seemed witty and smart. Meeting Monique for the first time, well witty and smart were not my first, second or third impression. Can you look at Chris now without keeping your eyes up?
GB: Thank God, I don't really see Chris very often. When I do, it is nothing but eyeball to eyeball contact. It's weird that I know ALL about his package. Hopefully, Candiace has learned that kissing and telling is for amateurs. Did you enjoy bubble soccer? What did you think of this event in general?
GB: Bubble soccer was the worst! The balls smelled like rotten eggs and stinky feet, and when you put them on you can't really see. I just didn't see the purpose of the game or why anyone would think it was fun. For this to be Candiace's first event that she planned for the ladies, well, EPIC FAIL. What did you think about the ladies’ "grilling" new girl Candiace?
GB: I really don't feel like Candiace was grilled. She offered to tell EVERYONE anything they wanted to know about her business. If you willingly open the door to your life story, don't get mad about the part of the story that we really want to know. Because we are going to get down to the nitty gritty and fast. Candiace, in the future pace yourself, honey, don't spill ALL our guts, leave some of our life a mystery. SHEESH! That wig moment… what are your thoughts?
GB: Karen Huger's wig sliding off the side of her head was EVERYTHING. Best way to end a day of fart smelling plastic balls, food with no napkins, and a big cooler of UICE. Karen and runaway wig saved the day!