Charrisse: I Have Not Filed For Divorce
Charrisse opens up about her rollercoaster marriage and why she hasn't given up just yet. Oh, and her thoughts on Karen's "dumb" BYOM rule. Tell us about texting Eddie you were starting the process of divorce and the release of being able to share that with your friends.
Charrisse Jackson JordanI love talking with Robyn because we have been friends so long that I just say what I am feeling at the moment without reservation. That day I was having one of my unpleasant moments with Eddie. I was very angry with him and felt at that moment that I was done. I must admit, this is not the first and probably wont be the last time I feel that this is the absolute END. Our relationship has been a rollercoaster ride for the last three years. To date, I have not filed for divorce nor do I plan to. Sometimes I say and do things hoping for a positive reaction. There were times in my marriage where that strategy worked. Lately…not so much. But, I haven’t totally given up on my marriage as of yet. As the saying goes…It ain’t over until the fat lady sings. So far I may have heard a note, but no one is singing. At least not yet. What were you thinking being invited to a couples party? What do you think of Karen Huger’s BYOM rule?
CJJ: Being invited to a couples party is as tacky as showing upto a housewarming party without a gift. The best scenario for me would be for me to come with a friend since I am not going to entertain the dumb BYOM rule. First of all, if someone is going to bring a man, I hope it’s theirs and no one else’s. Lol. What did you think about Michael’s behavior on the boat? Did you find it as inappropriate as the other ladies?
CJJ: In terms of Michael jumping overboard…really? Michael is just a fun guy that likes to keep the the rooster patch crowing. Michael had no intentions of jumping in that filthy water.
I truly love the relationship with Ashley Darby and her mom. I see where she gets her spunk from.