Jewel: "I Don't Think I am Overprotective."
Jewel explains why she wanted Kandi to come speak at her club and shares her thoughts on the Cyrene situation. How did you two meet Kandi?
Jewel Tankard: With Ben being successful in the gospel industry and with Kandi in the R&B world, along with her incredible business sense, it was a perfect fit for me to ask her to come to the Millionairess Book Club and share with my ladies. Especially since she’s a mother, successful business woman, and soon to be wife. Junice mentions that she came up with the party idea. You seemed to be very active with planning this event also. Do you think that you and your two sisters equally took part in putting together the party for your parents?
Jewel: It was Junice’s idea. She always comes up with great ideas for the family, but she had some issues with getting it all to flow together, and so I came in and helped with that part. You comment on how Kandi’s sexy toys don’t bother you since she made it into a business. Do you care how women become millionaires?
Jewel: It needs to be legal. As long as it is legal, it is really each individual’s choice on how they choose to generate income.
Jewel: No, because I think that others have pushed her to do it, and so someone needs to push back, and I am that girl. How do you give motivational presentations on being successful without offending the women that don’t make that kind of money?
Jewel: It’s never meant to offend. It’s meant to provoke them to greatness, and to become their best selves. How much money they make is their personal business, but personal development and who they become on the way is what is important. I am very passionate about women living their dreams, instead of living a life of mediocrity because it’s the norm. We learned why Benji and his wife got married at such a young age. Is this why you are so protective of Cyrene?
Jewel: No, I think that I am just being a good parent. There is a protectiveness I have because I have a responsibility to steer them in the way they should go. No parent should just let children do what they want to do. As their parent, I have a very different perspective and an expectation of excellence -- I don’t think I am Since you never really had “the talk” with your mom, does that make you want Cyrene to know everything you wish you did when you were her age? Do you think she will wait until she is married?
Jewel: Yes, it is really important for me to have those tough conversations about sex with Cyrene. It hasn’t always been easy to discuss, but we learn and grow. I believe talking about it will help her in decision making, instead of being super curious because she just does not know and only hears from her peers. I think that she will wait, not because of me, but because of her own relationship with the Lord. Cyrene makes a comment on how the strictest parents have the sneakiest children. Do you think she is talking about herself?
Jewel: Yes absolutely, but I don’t think that it is anything too serious. Do you think that you are too hard on Josh?
Jewel: No, I was just asking him questions. I wasn’t yelling or cursing at him -- I was just asking questions. By the way, I think that more parents should ask more questions.