Jewel Tankard

A true renaissance woman, Jewel Tankard is making international strides as a businesswoman, author and evangelist. With her deeply embedded roots in entrepreneurship, Jewel is a fierce advocate for personal development and financial empowerment. Through her Millionairess Club, she mentors others to invoke new ideas and inspires them to dream and create change in their lives. Never one to sit still, Jewel is now the host of the nationally syndicated Jewel Tankard Show,which focuses on discussing topical issues that impact people's everyday lives. Jewel believes that the key to her success has been prayer, and she is deeply committed to giving people, especially women, a picture of what is possible.Read More

A true renaissance woman, Jewel Tankard is making international strides as a businesswoman, author and evangelist. With her deeply embedded roots in entrepreneurship, Jewel is a fierce advocate for personal development and financial empowerment. Through her Millionairess Club, she mentors others to invoke new ideas and inspires them to dream and create change in their lives. Never one to sit still, Jewel is now the host of the nationally syndicated Jewel Tankard Show, which focuses on discussing topical issues that impact people's everyday lives. Jewel believes that the key to her success has been prayer, and she is deeply committed to giving people, especially women, a picture of what is possible. Jewel is the wife of gospel jazz artist Ben Tankard and enjoys sharing a marriage, ministry and wonderful blended family with her husband. When she isn't closing a business deal, she loves boating, jet skiing, tubing, and dancing. Jewel embarks on a fresh chapter this season as she prepares to welcome her second grandchild while continuing to launch new business ventures and keeping the family together.