No Gossip: Kari Loves Being Her Husband's CFO
Kari explains why she doesn't belive salon gossip and shares what she thought of Quad's dog charity event.
It was nice to see that all of the ladies are finally starting to move on from the drama -- and of course it is back to work for me and the doctors.
I always have a lot of work at the office and now with our new medical building, I need to make sure that all of the floors get rented out to doctors or hospital groups that will be a good fit for the building. It keeps me very busy, but I enjoy what I do.
Watching some of these events right now, I realize everything that unfolded and all of the pain that everybody went through was based on some alleged salon gossip.
I try to never to listen to gossip or believe it, and I always try and protect the names of those not present. Most of the time, it is made-up or exaggerated and I think we can all see the pain and repercussions spreading gossip can have on people and their families.
Some of us are parents and some of us are doctors, but none of us would ever set out to hurt a child. After getting to know Toya, I find it very hard to believe that she would ever gossip about Lauren; she is a mother herself and she was also an adopted by her stepfather. Nonetheless, Mariah believes it, and I am deeply saddened for the pain that this is now causing her. Of course, as a mother, she would want to protect her child, but NOT listening to gossip may have been the best way to do just that, or at least confirming the truth before acting on it.
The "Spookie Ookie" party was so much fun. My kids had a blast and so did Duncan and I. Toya went all out, and all of the guest really appreciated it. I think my kids think that they live like that all of the time and they want to visit them a lot more. It was a great night. Miles looked very handsome. Dr. Simone looks great as a blonde, and I can definitely see Miles becoming a doctor one day.
It was nice to see Quad doing a charity event, since I am a big advocate for giving back, perhaps Chloe and Karie could forfeit some of their clothing for the charity as $250 in dog outfits (only to get spanked in) could help a lot of starving dogs. Luckily, I was not invited, nor have never been invited to anything by Quad, although I have invited her to many of my events.
It is such a shame that she is always so rude when she speaks or writes about me, because it makes me not want to invite her to anything, ever again. I certainly would not surround myself with a person who is so disrespectful that they come into your home, then make rude and cutting comments and painful barbs about you. To criticize my party, my face, my physical appearance, my dress, my choices, and my décor speaks volumes about her intentions and true personality. But, when you are made up to look like a clown, it is easy to act like a fool.
I love Dr. Simone and think that she is amazing in trying to help her patients have children. Being a mother is one of the greatest pleasures in my life and I certainly do not think that anyone should be stripped of that opportunity just because they are gay or lesbian. I am always happy to see the joy of same sex couples when they are able to have children or adopt, as I know that those children are truly wanted and planned. I think Dr. Simone gave them the best advice and I wish them the best in their plans to conceive.
It is very sad that Mariah always thinks that everyone is on a mission to get her. The Queen B this and the Queen B that. In every scene that I watch with her and Quad they spend a large part of their time doing putting other people down in a effort to elevate themselves. It is so rude and so childish. I keep hoping for a reprise in their soul-choking bitterness, but sadly it never happens.
I think they see it as some kind of game, but they are messing with people's lives. Maybe they do not realize how bad they look? How mean they sound? I think from Mariah's final comment to Toya, she obviously does not. My jaw dropped when Mariah said: "When have I ever acted up?"