Kari and Toya's Witches' Brew
Quad reflects on Kari and Toya's failed attempts to put a hex on Mariah.
This entire episode was based around a witches' brew of lies and schemes. Everything is not always what it seems.
We had a chance to see Toya formulating a story based on her lies. Oh how much she seeks Mariah's demise. Kari, Kari, quite contrary. You can't keep your story straight. What lie will you tell next? I'm sure the viewers will contemplate.
The same way I brought you in, I will take you out was Mariah's shout. You can put your bottom dollar on that, without a doubt.
Double double toil and trouble fire burns and cauldron bubbles, lips on a snake, hair on a frog, ghouls and gobs snooty snobs. Poached lizard, pickled lizard, salty lizard fried. Take down the Queen Bee, no sir. But they tried.
A sprinkle of malicious, with a dash of vicious, a tablespoon of spite, two teaspoons of not bright. Add some resent and deceit all in planning the BIG defeat. Stir in a vengeful, wicked and venomous crew. And that's the witch's brew. . .
Witch 1: Kari STOP. "Mariah has to get on her knees and kiss the ring." Are you a pimp???
Kari says, "I will have a restraining order against Mariah." #LOL Kari, you are not eligible for a restraining order. No one threatened you. No one stalked you. Sit down. This is not about you. As a matter of fact your plastic surgeon should get a restraining order against you for stalking him. #lips #breasts #botox #restilin #allthefillers
It is becoming clear to me that Kari has never liked Mariah. How could she send Mariah a PayPal invoice, but not accept a check from Toya for the same damages? Again, she is proving my point. She was just looking for a reason. #fakefriend #greeneyedmonster #gildedsixbits
Witch 2: I don't know what Toya was going for by burning the christening gown, but it looks like an American Gangster knockoff #Denzel #chinchillaonfire
"First and foremost, I waited to have my children with my husband. I think that is the successful way to build a family." So, Toya are you the Dr. Phil of family values? Are you saying that success of a family only comes with marriage and a child being raised by their biological father? Hmm, do you really want to say that? I can tell you didn't give that statement any thought. Examples of successful children who were not raised by their biological father: President Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Bill Clinton, Rory Kennedy, and Jamie Foxx.
In this episode I wouldn't consider Simone a witch but, I would like to call out this:
"I just want to know who the little bitch is." It was very shocking to me to hear someone who views themselves in such high esteem to refer to a young girl as a "little bitch." That's just horrible.
As for Kari and Toya your broomsticks await you!
For more of my views go to QuadIsVeryBusy.com or follow me on Twitter @absolutelyquad