Below Deck Secrets Revealed: What Really Went on During Brandy’s Emergency?
In a special behind-the-scenes episode of Below Deck, we learn what really happened during charter guest Brandy's shocking medical emergency.

If you've been keeping up with Below Deck Season 7 in Thailand, odds are, you know all about a charter guest named Brandy. From the moment she stepped onto the Valor, the crew knew they were in for a wild, extremely baffling ride. Luckily, Brandy received the medical help she needed after struggling on the beach — but it makes you wonder what went on behind the scenes during the whole fiasco. Well, Bravo has all the answers in an exclusive "Behind the Episode" special for Season 7, Episode 4: "Weekend at Brandy's II."
Read on to find out some of the juiciest secrets from the episode!
1. Captain Lee's Orders
When Brandy wasn't feeling well on the beach, a plan of action was communicated from afar. In terms of how the crew handled Brandy, producers say Captain Lee "was calling the shots over the radio... he was monitoring the entire situation." In a way, he was pulling double duty, watching over the yacht and Brandy at the same time.
2. The Other Guests' Reactions
Producers suspect Brandy's friends seemed "unfazed" by her situation because "they might have been used to her behavior and seen it in the past."
3. A Dedicated Crew
On Below Deck, what you see is what you get. The yachties really jumped into action to save their charter guest. Production didn't have to step in at all — they just followed the Valor crew's lead regarding Brandy.
4. Not on My Watch
When Captain Lee saw his guest's condition, he waited with her until medics arrived — but it wasn't a short task. He was by Brandy's side for "a long few hours" making sure she was OK, say producers.
5. The Medic's Journey
It actually took the medic a decent amount of time to make his way to the yacht and help Brandy. He came from the marina in Phuket. It took him almost an hour to get to the Valor. In the end, he advised her to quit drinking and stick to "a lot of juice."
6. There's No Stopping Brandy
After Brandy had a long, restful nap, she decided to explore the Valor. Producers say Brandy tried to come into the production room on the yacht before Courtney caught her coming down the crew mess steps. According to producers, she roamed the boat for about an hour — and "what a wild hour that was."
But wait, there's more! Want to know how long it took to get Brandy off the beach or the crew's reactions to the entire situation? Well, you'll just have to check out the full "Behind the Episode" special of Below Deck Season 7, Episode 4: "Weekend at Brandy's II."
To see what else Season 7 has to offer, watch the teaser below!