There Is A Debate Raging Over Kylie Jenner's Latest Hairstyle
Did she, or didn't she?
Did Kylie Jenner get a bob, and dye her hair blonde? It's anyone's guess at this point. The hairstyle chameleon has been blonde before—she's also gone rose-gold, had a short stint as a redhead, and the list goes on. So, the fact that Kylie has been showing up in Instagram snaps with a platinum-blonde bob isn't totally surprising. It's just... confusing.
Lately, we've seen celebs try out "faux bobs" that let them experiment with shorter locks without going under the scissors. So is Kylie's new hairstyle the real deal, or is it merely an illusion?
Well, the intrepid reporters at Allure noticed that Kylie tagged Tokyo Stylez in one of the snaps showing off her blunt-edged "cut," and this sheds some light on this dilemma. You see, Tokyo is a wig stylist, which leads us to think that Kylie's new 'do could, in fact, be a wig. Tokyo even posted his own photo of the new look, enthusing: "I love making you blonde." So, we think this is a wig, and we're sticking to it—for now.