Simone: "Toya Exposed Herself For the Clown She Is"

Simone: "Toya Exposed Herself For the Clown She Is"

Simone has a little something to say about everyone, from Heavenly's hidden agenda to Toya's marriage and the Quad and Mariah STK squabble.

By Simone Whitmore

Welcome, Lisa Nicole! It's refreshing to see another beautiful, smart and successful woman join the circle of friends.

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WARNING!!! WARNING!!! Today is my time to vent. There will be no comedy in this blog. I am EXHAUSTED and frustrated with these so-called friends. I joke about vodka more than I drink it but these bitches are making me thirsty.

I'm seriously beginning to wonder what is Heavenly's agenda. She brings Ms. Georgia Plus to Dr. Jackie's office to clarify things. Jackie seems to win over Ms. Georgia Plus with an apology and explanation. Why is Heavenly still going in so hard on Jackie? Heavenly should give it a rest and stop the unraveling mess she appears to be.

Of course, I'm laughing right now because I thoroughly warned Jackie that a meeting with Heavenly would be a complete waste of time. Hopefully, she'll listen to me the next time we're dealing with a crazy person. I am a firm believer...when people show you who they are, believe them the first time! Heavenly revealed her true colors in her own home. You can't trust someone who would invite you over only to go in for the kill. We were naive about Heavenly's ways. We've been warned!

Toya exposed herself for the clown she really is! Eugene stated just last week this poor girl needs a job, and he was dead serious. Just maybe the ball hitting her in the head at Avery's birthday party was an attempt to wake up her brain. She has no concept of the money she is spending. Even her parents have to speak to her as if she is a child (or has the mind of one).

She invited friends to this lavish 2-year-old birthday party that the child didn't seem to enjoy (nor will he remember) and her friends (Heavenly and Lisa) didn't even bring their children. HINT: No one respects her!!! Toya is blaming me for a common theme amongst our circle of friends. Heavenly reprimanded Eugene for the ridiculous amount of money Toya spent on this party. My dancing (which was a very petty issue) behind Eugene wouldn't have been an issue at all if Toya weren't so worried about her money man leaving her.


If Toya thinks I'm stressed, she should probably take a closer look at Eugene who looks overworked and STRESSED trying to keep up with Toya's unending financial demands! I forgot, she can’t take a look at him because HE’S NEVER HOME AND ALWAYS AT WORK!

Side note: I have nothing against stay-at-home mothers. One of my close girlfriends is a stay-at-home mother and wife. Any decision a woman makes is her prerogative. A working mother is not better or worse than a stay-at-home mother. The choices are different but hopefully the end result is the same...happy and fulfilled adults who are raising balanced and happy children.

Now, people who are dumb or don't have good sense really frustrate me. You’re getting to see some of that frustration this season. Sorry for exposing you to my frustrations.

It is interesting to see the drama between Quad and Mariah unfolding. Mariah had the chance to really explain what is going on between the two of them. I wonder if Mariah is under a "gag order" because her rendition of the STK altercation didn't tell me much at all. I read more details on Twitter and in blogs than she uttered all night.

Quad's version of the STK altercation in her bedroom was so dramatic, Dr. Greg must have felt he was at the scene of the crime! I think Greg tried to make a really good point about avoiding public confrontations but Quad completely missed it.


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