Below Deck Sailing Yacht Captain Glenn

Glenn Shephard

Originally from Montreal, Capt. Glenn’s life has always been dictated by the need to see the world. Early on in his travels, he was invited onboard a 50-foot classic sailboat to work as a deckhand and was immediately hooked and has never looked back. With over 22 years in the industry and 13 years as the Captain on Parsifal III, Glenn has hosted hundreds of high-end guests over many busy charter seasons. Glenn knows how to keep his cool while catering to the uber elite. This laid-back Captain is calm until his limits are pushed. Don’t mess with Capt. Glenn!Read More

Originally from Montreal, Capt. Glenn’s life has always been dictated by the need to see the world. Early on in his travels, he was invited onboard a 50-foot classic sailboat to work as a deckhand and was immediately hooked and has never looked back. With over 22 years in the industry and 13 years as the Captain on Parsifal III, Glenn has hosted hundreds of high-end guests over many busy charter seasons. Glenn knows how to keep his cool while catering to the uber elite. This laid-back Captain is calm until his limits are pushed. Don’t mess with Capt. Glenn!