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The Daily Dish Summer House: Martha's Vineyard

Jordan Emanuel Calls Out Alex Tyree for Labeling Her "Toxic" and "Judging" Her

Jordan Emanuel and Alex Tyree may not be close on Summer House: Martha's Vineyard — and there's a very good reason for that.

By Jill Sederstrom

Alex Tyree found himself in the hot seat on Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard.

How to Watch

Watch Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard on Peacock and Bravo.  

Jordan Emanuel called the music curator out for labeling her “toxic” and judging her and others in the house during an uncomfortable group dinner. 

The DJ and former Playboy playmate — who’s never one to let someone go unchecked — confronted Alex in an exclusive preview clip of Sunday’s all-new episode. 

“You judged me the first time you met me,” an angry Jordan told Alex. 

Why is Jordan Emanuel mad at Alex Tyree about Shanice Henderson?

During the confrontation, Jordan took Alex to task on all the ways he had criticized or created problems for others in the house, including his comments last season that brought housemate Shanice Henderson’s problems with her ex to light.

As fans may recall, Alex told others in the house in Season 1 that Shanice had been accused of stalking her ex (a claim she has denied).

Alex Tyree wearing a salmon pink button up shirt in front of a light brown backdrop.

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“You had me completely f-cked up with the Shanice situation,” Jordan said, before adding to her list of grievances: “You called me toxic the first time you met me.”

Alex memorably remarked during a group dinner in Season 1 that he could “totally see Jordan being the toxic friend,” despite just having met her. 

When Jordan asserted that the flippant comment made her feel “judged,” Shanice jumped in to say she had felt “judged” too after her first interaction with Alex. 

Jordan Emanuel wearing a lime green dress in front of a light brown backdrop.

After quietly listening to his roommates’ complaints, Alex disagreed with their assessment of the situation, particularly in regards to how Shanice’s past was brought to light. 

“I didn’t Google any of you. I only knew that sh-t because of Nick [Arrington],” Alex shot back. “And that’s your boy.” 

But Jordan didn’t seem to accept the excuse. 

“Then why did you say it?” she challenged. 

“I’m tired of people bringing it up and saying I Googled people. I didn’t Google people. I brought it up because I was trying to protect her and let her know that people would Google her,” Alex continued. 

For Shanice, however, there was nothing protective about Alex discussing the allegations against her in front of the cameras and inserting them once again into the public’s consciousness. 

“You traumatized me, Alex,” she said through tears.” I have the biggest anxiety. It’s back on Google. Anytime anyone Googles me that comes back up, like it’s traumatizing.”

It’s also made it more difficult for her to date. 

“Like any guy I date, they’re like ‘what happened with this?’” she shared. “I’m legit traumatized from it.”  

To find out how the heated dinner ends, watch Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard Sunday at 9/8c on Bravo or streaming the next day on Peacock.

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