Quad: What's Good for the Goose
Quad weighs in on the Toya/Simone feud and thanks the fans for a great season.
What’s good for the goose, Is good for the gander
Please allow me to draw a comparison between my situation with Mariah and Simone's situation with Toya. Mariah and I have known each other for many years. We were very close and I loved her like the sister I never had. Eugene said it best, when you feel like you have been betrayed by someone you love and you lose trust, it is hard to come back from that.
I'm not discounting anyone's feelings but, Simone and Toya didn’t know each other like Mariah and I. Nor did they have the type of relationship that we had.
Simone and Toya got into an argument over something that played out in front of the cameras for us all to see. Simone did the #DuttyWind on #BigGenie. Toya expressed her disdain. Simone got indignant, then berated and cursed Toya out. Then she blamed her bad behavior on the fact that Toya "did not call her" to handle the matter privately.
I think Simone did not take in consideration that Toya wanted the other women (and the audience) to know that she was going to address what really happened and why. I'm sure Toya would have gotten the question continuously as to why she did not address Simone’s behavior when dancing on her husband. Sorry Simone left Toya in a compromising position.
I wanted to draw this comparison to simply say; despite Simone knowing the violence that transpired between my matron of honor "Mariah" towards me, she was still so adamant about bringing us back together. Why can't she see that she should try to work it out with Toya? Instead she is screaming she's not going to film with her anymore! I'm not saying Toya wasn't wrong for how she handled herself in Simone's dressing room, especially in front of Michael, but she was not physical. I like that Simone and Toya and I are warming up to each other. I only wanted to be sure that there would not be a Married to Medicine melee. So, here I go again breaking up another dispute.
While I respect Simone's feelings and I will never ask her to keep the company of anyone she doesn't want to be around. I just wanted to point out the obvious -- when it's not directed towards you it is a lot easier to see the brighter side of things or tell someone else what they should do.
That brings me to Jackie. If there is one thing I can say about Jackie, it's that she is consistent. We have never seen Jackie flip flopping or fence riding. She is her own woman. She has her own opinions and she stands firm in her word. I can certainly appreciate that about her.
Now on to the lighter side of things...
"Tell them its coffee for Heavenly. They will know." There has been a lot of talk about crowns but, there's only one that actually holds the crown. . .yeah, in her cup. I live! #CrownRoyal #WheresMyCoffee? #SpecialCoffee #JesusJuice #CrownInMyCup
As we come to a close of another season. I want to thank you all for being dedicated tuning in weekly, no matter the time, as we share our lives and our stories with you.
Did anyone see who was trending on Twitter this week? Yes Gawd, my babies were all up and through the Twittersphere. #PicturePerfectPup #PuppyCouture #FashionPup
Please stop by our site and show us some love, PicturePerfectPup.com and www.quadisverybusy.com. And follow me on Twitter and InstaGram (@AbsolutelyQuad) and on Facebook (Quad Webb-Lunceford).