Dr. Jackie's Sour Patch
Quad says Jackie is channeling Reese Witherspon, Toya is in Messyville, and that Kari is no victim.
I am still high from my Pups in Paris party to benefit the Canine Assistant Foundation last episode and now the principal, Dr. Jackie, has summoned us to attend a Lemon Squeeze.
Dr. Jackie is seriously the next runner-up for the best and number one impersonation of the movie Legally Blonde (minus the snap). She has gone from Mother Teresa to Reese Witherspoon all in one episode.
Kari, once again is the victim. Can somebody call 911 and keep them on speed dial for Mrs. Kari?
I thought you were Married to Medicine and a smart business woman who should have hired a crew to clean up after the party was over. VICTIM! VICTIM! VICTIM! Can somebody please call Wyclef Jones on the Twitter (@Wyclefjones) to call 911 for this VICTIM?
And THEY say I am the puppet. #Confused Tell me why Dr. Simone do you continue to allow Dr. Jackie to belittle you. I thought you were a grown woman. #Drinktothat
Dr. Simone, I believe in good times. So if you desire to reek of brew or your adult beverage of choice, you work and play hard. Honey, ain't nothing wrong to reprise Ned the wino's character on Good Times and Uncle Woody of Sanford. It's a free country and it's homecoming!
All this judgement. All this judgement. I thought they would have taken a note or two from my suggestion a couple episodes ago when I told them we all can benefit from an etiquette class.
Now back to this episide. Toya you are still messing around in Messyville USA 30311. Fake as ever! I see you seeking to earn accolades for a degree you haven't earned. #delusional
If only a Lemon Squeeze could bring some sweetness back into this relationship, we would all be so fortunate. But Mrs. Tacky Toya with the feather earrings trend of the past, you WRONG! You know you WRONG as the day is LOOOOONG. . .your STYLIST too!
A PUPPETMASTER? I won't even dignify that with a response because I would unleash this written assault against you. #hookedonphonics #illiterate I have a degree and it is on my wall. It's obvious you missed the Dewey Decimal System class at the library.
It is simply crazy to me how you think divulging Mariah's business to people is doing absolutely nothing wrong. A child should never be the topic of discussion especially with a malicious intent to destroy or harm an adult.
Dr. Eugene is right! Toya, keep Mariah's name out of your mouth.
Take notes! I believe Kari is delusional to make us think Mariah didn't share in the cost for the party at her house. Plus, If I was thrown out like trash there would be a stop payment on my check as well. Sorry #darling
My Mariah is on point, Kari deserves an Academy Award for her performance.
The meeting is adjourned since Madame President has left the room. The Lemon Squeeze has gone sour.