Siggy Flicker

Siggy Flicker is a motivational speaker, relationship expert, TV personality and author of Write Your Own Fairytale: The New Rules of Dating and Relationships, and Finding Love on Your Own. She has been sought out by a variety of TV programs, syndicated radio shows and publications throughout the country for her advice on love and life. Siggy is known for her straightforward and outspoken style and has always been the friend who others turn to for her no-nonsense yet nurturing relationship advice. Her guidance is a potent brew of common sense, compassion, and just plain bull-in-china-shop bluntness. Siggy truly practices what she preaches and inspires others simply by having created a life doing what she loves to do, surrounded by the people that she loves to be around.Read More

Siggy Flicker is a motivational speaker, relationship expert, TV personality and author of Write Your Own Fairytale: The New Rules of Dating and Relationships, and Finding Love on Your Own. She has been sought out by a variety of TV programs, syndicated radio shows and publications throughout the country for her advice on love and life. Siggy is known for her straightforward and outspoken style and has always been the friend who others turn to for her no-nonsense yet nurturing relationship advice. Her guidance is a potent brew of common sense, compassion, and just plain bull-in-china-shop bluntness. Siggy truly practices what she preaches and inspires others simply by having created a life doing what she loves to do, surrounded by the people that she loves to be around. Siggy wrote her own fairytale: She met and married Mark Flicker, but after eight years of marriage and two children they chose to get divorced with no lawyers, no bitter arguments and no traumatized children—a divorce done right. Managing to remain friends, her first husband Mark stood up as best man to her new husband, Michael Campanella, when they were married. Now, clients and friends ask for Siggy’s advice in not only finding love, but also in ending a marriage without collateral damage to family and peace of mind.