Lena Marti

Part Italian, part Puerto Rican, Lena “Lee” Marti was born and raised in Queens, New York. Excelling in multiple dance disciplines since the age of eight, Lee decided to pursue a career in the fitness world a little over a decade ago, inspiring others to actively realize their own potential. 

Motivating first by example, Coach Lee preaches discipline, work ethic, and self-awareness by encouraging her clients to look beyond purely physical goals. Lee’s efforts have been rewarded with positions at Equinox and Crunch gyms in addition to recently joining Orangetheory Fitness. Currently, she is completing requisites of master trainer status, the most distinguished level of fitness certification.Read More

Part Italian, part Puerto Rican, Lena “Lee” Marti was born and raised in Queens, New York. Excelling in multiple dance disciplines since the age of eight, Lee decided to pursue a career in the fitness world a little over a decade ago, inspiring others to actively realize their own potential. 

Motivating first by example, Coach Lee preaches discipline, work ethic, and self-awareness by encouraging her clients to look beyond purely physical goals. Lee’s efforts have been rewarded with positions at Equinox and Crunch gyms in addition to recently joining Orangetheory Fitness. Currently, she is completing requisites of master trainer status, the most distinguished level of fitness certification. She is sought after by fitness brands because her message is universal and her athleticism is diverse. Coming full circle, her success is a bi-product of an iron will and the unselfish choice she made early in life--helping others before herself. This organic mantra has led her dream to the fruition it deserves.

Fitness tip: “If you train with the right leader you can achieve everything your mind is set to do.”