Holly Rilinger

Coach, trainer, and 10-year veteran of the fitness world, Holly Rilinger delivers doses of inspiration bundled up in high-intensity sweat sessions. A Nike Master Trainer, Flywheel Sports Master Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer, and Group X Instructor with numerous certifications, Rilinger channels the same drive and discipline it took for her to make it as a professional basketball player internationally, into every one of her clients. She runs seasonal outdoor Training Camps, Destination Training Camps around the globe, club-themed After HRs workout parties, personal training services, and a popular fitness blog at HollyRilinger.com.  

The ultimate coach, Rilinger uses a true team approach she learned in the real life locker room, moving shoulder-to-shoulder with her clients as she encourages them to focus and take charge of not only physical goals, but life aspirations too.Read More

Coach, trainer, and 10-year veteran of the fitness world, Holly Rilinger delivers doses of inspiration bundled up in high-intensity sweat sessions. A Nike Master Trainer, Flywheel Sports Master Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer, and Group X Instructor with numerous certifications, Rilinger channels the same drive and discipline it took for her to make it as a professional basketball player internationally, into every one of her clients. She runs seasonal outdoor Training Camps, Destination Training Camps around the globe, club-themed After HRs workout parties, personal training services, and a popular fitness blog at HollyRilinger.com.  

The ultimate coach, Rilinger uses a true team approach she learned in the real life locker room, moving shoulder-to-shoulder with her clients as she encourages them to focus and take charge of not only physical goals, but life aspirations too.

Fitness Tip: "TAKE YOUR VICTORY!  Even the smallest ones count. They lead to big change."